To provide awareness to the public and institutions on basic environmental safety and protection norms, hygiene, and basic health care; increase awareness of the communities on family planning, mother and child care, HIV AIDS, Hepatitis, TB, Polio, and other chronic diseases; support improved access to medication. Brief: We are also working for community health welfare and epidemic disease control and prevention. Our focus is to increase the awareness of communities on HIV AIDS, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Malaria, TB, Polio, etc. PTCRO's department for health education has experienced and professional medical consultants. We have trained staff for the implementation of health projects, and we have ready access to health trainers [male and female]. We can establish a network of health worker volunteers, CSOs, and community leaders and are also connected with the Afghanistan Medicine Association with an office in the pharmaceutical hub of Afghanistan. PTCRO has a network of more than 100 major medicine factories and major import companies and has the capacity of implementing basic health services delivery projects in any region of Afghanistan.
- Access to medicine and distribution
- Water sanitation and disease control
- Provision of awareness of sexually transmitted diseases
- Mother and child health support
- Family planning and birth control advocacy and awareness
- Psychosocial Counselling Services for traumatized people:
- Anxiety
- PTSD and many more
- Basic health care and environmental hygiene training
- Pregnancy care and maternity issues training
- Polio immunization and its impact on national life training and volunteer work with MOPH.
- Promote basic awareness of diabetes, its impact on human health, and its prevention
- Promote basic awareness of Hepatitis, its impact on human health, and its prevention
- Promote basic awareness of environmental /personal hygiene its relation to seasonal diseases, impact on human health, and prevention tools
- Promote awareness of healthy food habits, nutrition and optimum diet